Monday, May 28th, 2012

1.  The flags are out, the weather is a  perfect 72 degrees and we worked in the yard again.  I snipped 14 of the boxwoods into shape, Wayne mowed, weeded and fixed broken sprinklers and we planted a few more petunias.
2.  We went to the cemetery where my great Grandma and Grandpa Eyre are buried.  I took a butcher knife and cut the grass away form the stones and cleaned them.  They have left me a great legacy and I am so proud to be their granddaughter.  When I was looking for their graves, I asked an older man if he knew the section we were in.  He asked who I was looking for and he asked if I know a Kevin Eyre,  I said no, and he said good.  Apparently Kevin he is a lawyer and screwed him out of $30,000 dollars.  I said (of course) he's no relation.  ha ha
3.  We went to Pei Wei for lunch and I had lettuce wraps and a child portion of low mein. Wayne had sesame chicken, fried rice and an egg roll.   They also had orange slices for your water along with lemon slices.  I don't know why we don't go more often.  It was really, really good.
4.  I had looked up a grave for Wayne's uncle but we didn't find it.  I got the coordinates for it and we will try again some week-end.  He had no children and at one time had asked Wayne to go to California to work for him.  He did not go of course and his  life would have been so different if he had gone. He would not have me so it wasn't meant to be. 
5.  We drove around American Fork on a road we had never been on again.  It is next to the cemetery and there is a town rec center and park there.  We have been here 10 years and have never seen it.  We need to continue to go on the road less taken.
6.  I read myself to sleep after remembering the freedom of our country thanks to all the soldiers who made it that way for us.  I am very thankful.

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