Monday, April 9th, 2012

1.  Easter is over and I just feel like life is passing by so quickly.  Wasn't it just Christmas?  The older I get the faster it seems to go.  It makes me a little sad. 
2.  We went to dinner with the Utley's tonight.  I just love them.  They are such good people.  It's fun to talk golf, shopping, what books we are reading, grand kids, yard work, etc. 
3.  The house was a pretty big mess after Easter dinner.  It took a long time to clean up the kitchen.  I did two loads in the dishwasher and washed a lot of pans by hand.  The floor was a mess and it was my usual Monday for laundry and deeper cleaning.  It was a busy day.  As I was working though, I thought to myself how grateful I am for my house and all that is in it and all that is around me outside and how fortunate to live close to my 2 daughters so that we can see them every week.  Now, if I could just get Shon to move here I would be a happy Mom.
4.  I look out the window and see all the trees that are flowering and I am just amazed at the beauty this Spring.  It seems all the trees are blooming at once though so it will all be gone at once too.  I can't wait for all the flowers.  My iris are about 10" high and the tulips are getting there.  I think I need to plant more bulbs this fall.  I need daffodils and more tulips and maybe a few crocus.
5.  The weather is beautiful but I don't have the energy to work in the yard today.  Fozzie likes days like this.  He stays out a little longer than necessary when he goes out to potty.

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