Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

1.  Wayne left for a grain grower's convention in Minnesota.  He will be gone for 5 days.  Since he is right across the street from the Mall of America I suggested he cold find a tiny bit of space in his luggage for a little gift to bring home.  It won't happen though.  He never does that.  Oh well, I will keep him.
2.  Emerson was looking at all our eyes.  He insisted mine were blue (they are green) but maybe my blue shirt made them look that way. He told his Mom that her eyes were the color of root beer, and then he looked at Wayne's and said that they looked like a swamp.  What does he know of a swamp?  We laughed pretty hard and I am sure for the rest of our lives he will be known as swampy eyes.
3.  I started a new book "English Trifle", did laundry, swept and not much else.  This is the 2nd lazy Saturday in a month.  What is going on with me?  Amy was even worse.  She worked on a paper mache' hot air balloon and rested most of the day.  Emerson, on the other hand was pretty wound up and made us play with him a lot.  Maybe that's why we were tired and lay.  Too much play time.
4.  A, E and I went to Smith's for groceries.  We were in the parking lot and I was returning a cart to the cart garage.  I didn't see Emerson decide to run after me and he almost got hit by a car that was speeding in the parking lot.  Amy was screaming and crying because she was helpless to do anything.  It was a close call and we know a guardian angel must have been with him.  He was upset and asked Amy not to tell his daddy.  He has been told and told not to run in parking lots.  Now, maybe he will listen.  We are so grateful for his safety. We will say a prayer of thanksgiving tonight.
5.  I made mac and cheese, pears and ham steak for dinner.  Emerson also had yogurt and cereal for dessert.  I guess that's healthier than ice cream.  Emerson had a bath in the mini swimming pool tub, Amy finished her paper mache, I watched PBS and caught up on the computer, Wayne called and said he had a good flight, a good dinner and is in a real nice motel.  The  grain growers convention starts tomorrow.

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