Monday, January 9th, 2012

1.  I got busy early and did the laundry, and the other Monday morning chores.  Emerson wanted to help and he loaded and unloaded the clothes, vacuumed, dusted the piano and brought up things I needed from the basement.  He is a little worker and loves to do chores with me.  I hope he keeps it up for his Mama over the years.  I have my doubts though.
2.  Emerson wanted to make cookies so we did the no-bake version.  I added a little peanut butter to the cocoa and they are pretty tasty.  I read him some more books.  I will miss it when all the young grand kids are grown too much to notice Grandma.  I love them all so much.  At least we have a new Holme's baby to look forward to for a few years.
3.  E got a little scared last night in his room and slipped into bed with Wayne and me at 3 a.m.  He talked in his sleep and kicked me in the head. Needless to say, we all needed naps today. He is the most active child I have ever seen while he is asleep.
4.  Amy is a little sick today but was able to eat and play monster trucks.
5.  Wayne got packed as he leaves for Denver tomorrow for a big, important trip.  I hesitate to pray too much for prosperity, but I sure pray for his well-being, and that he will do his very best for himself, for us and for the company.  If that turns out to be prosperity, then so much the better.

1 comment:

Marjie said...

I so love to keep updated with you and your family by reading your great blog! You do such a good job relating your activities and thoughts. You are often in MY thoughts--stay in touch in 2012-we love the Ostler family,each and every one!