Thursday, August 4th, 2011

1.  I had been contemplating how to give service lately.  All of a sudden I heard screaming outside.  The little neighbor girl and wrecked on her bike, torn her jeans and scraped up her knee.  She was crying and crying.  I had just gotten out of the shower and had on no make-up, hair was not dry etc.  I thought maybe another neighbor would hear and help her.  That didn't happen so I went out to she what she needed.  I helped her up and asked to see if she could walk.  She could. I went home and got a bandage and some salve and patched her up.  I then took her home to her Mom a few blocks away.  Not a big service but one with a little sacrifice since I looked so horrid and someone might have see me.  LOL
2.  We went to dinner with Jim and Jayme to La Jolla Groves in Provo.  The atmosphere was so fun with lemon trees everywhere inside (although in Utah, you know they were not real).  The food was good.  We tried the salmon, crepes with mushrooms and chicken Marsala.
3.  More tomatoes are coming on and Colett may get a few now.
4.  Rocky Mountain Chocolate dark chocolate/mint truffle
5.  There was rain, hail, lightning and 60 mph winds all around but for a bypassed us.

1 comment:

Live From Mommyville... said...

That TOTALLY counts as service! Leaving your comfort zone...above and beyond.

I LOVE the pictures you use on your blog. Do you take them all yourself??