1. BLT's with fresh garden tomatoes
2.  I am always so glad when Friday comes and Wayne walks in the door safe and sound.  Sometimes the freeway driving to SLC every day makes me nervous.  There have been so many stories of ladders or sheet rock in the middle of the road or of big trucks weaving around.
3.  Keeping up on my scripture study....trying not to miss a day.  I'm not always successful, but I get a B for effort this month.
4.  Trying to fix some of my broken jewelry.  I bought split rings to put on my necklace chains but can't seem to keep them open long enough to put them on.  I am looking for assistance.
5.  My little dog for his cute personality and sweet disposition

1 comment:

Colett (*.*) said...

I feel like #5 might be a dig at Ollie hahahaha!