Friday, July 29th, 2011

1.  Went visiting teaching to sweet Nicole.  She is an example to me of never ending service to others.
2.  Seeing Wes and Ruth Burr's electric train room.  They have fashioned the Purple Turtle, their own home and Lehi Roller Mills to scale along with many other buildings.  I need to take my kids there.  It's so cute.
3.  Matt and Colett went to Costco with us and she found a stainless steel prep table for her kitchen.  It was also nice to just to sit and visit with just the two of them.  That doesn't happen often.
4.  I have been getting so many toll free calls lately about everything.  I just hate them and have been letting it ring, but then they leave computer generated messages.  So today I answered each one and waited until someone came on and then told them to take me of their calling list.  Let's see if it works.
5.  Went to and downloaded 4 new free books to read on my Kindle and they all had 4 to 5 star ratings. I'm liking this technology.

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