Monday, April 25th, 2011

1.  Our electric bill has gone down by at least $50 this month and I'm sure most of it is my new washer.  It spins the clothes almost dry so most things in the dryer are done in 15 minutes to 1/2 hour.
2.  Amy stayed after dinner last night and cleaned up the kitchen so my work this morning was so much easier than most Monday mornings.  Thanks Amy!
3.  I am so glad we live right next to Smith's Grocery.  It is so handy. I had a really varied list from Jeans for Wayne, dish towels, fruit, butane lighters, and birthday gifts and got them all there in 1/2 hour.  My brother always jokes that he could just move in.  It is a little more expensive than some stores, but I used coupons and saved $15.00 and got gas coupons so it actually comes out cheaper.
4.  Went to see the Burr's electric train room.  It is pretty amazing.  They have made a
mini replica of the Lehi Roller Mill. It has become a really fun new hobby for them both.
5.  Wayne's business is still very busy, (almost too busy right now)  so in this economy we really feel blessed.  It is so wonderful to know that we have the necessities of life and a few extras.  He may need to get even busier though, if the gas prices keep going up.

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