Sunday, April 24th, 2011

1.  Nice sacrament meeting with the talks, primary children and a choir numbers.
2.  Dinner with the daughters and their families and an Easter egg hunt with the grandchildren.  I didn't count to see if they got ll the eggs.  I have a feeling we may need to scour the yard tomorrow.  We can't have Fozzie finding chocolate anywhere.
3.  Ham, potatoes and country gravy, broccoli with cheese and home made pudding/banana parfaits.  I don't even want to know how many calories were in this day.
4.  The girls are better and we finally got to sing Happy Birthday to Millie and give her gift to her.  Watching Nick as he texted his friend and laughing about the goings on of teenagers.  Emerson wanting to vacuum  before he went home and the love we all have for each other.  I am so lucky to have sons-in-law and a daughter-in-law that I adore. Glad Kee feels so comfortable to call me and Missing my Montana grand kids today.
Everybody pitching in to help clean up and bring part of the dinner so it wasn't too much work for any one person. 
5.  Brenden and Lindsy came to visit.  They are wonderful teen-age neighbor kids.

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