Monday through Wednesday April 23 to 25th

I got to Colett's home so I would be there when the kids got home from school.  When they got home I got some great hugs and there is nothing a Grandma likes more.
The house was clean so they didn't have to do chores today.  We did work on homework.  The girls andI took Ollie for a walk.  When we got home a dog was in the yard that attacked Ollie so Millie picked him up.  We ran in the house.  A little while later, we looked up and that dog was in the living room.  Apparently the back door was open and he came in.  He was nice but we got him out.  Nick told him he was sure ugly.  Nick had track practice but had a ride today.The weather was decent and the neighbor girls came to visit.  I made pulled pork for dinner.  When I went to bed I was going to check my email but the Yarro password didn't work .

Alex and Kee came to stay with us while Kee taught National Scout Camp classes.  Alex wanted to be with me so on Tuesday so I went home and got him and he spent the night with us.  He cooked dinner (spaghetti) for us all.  He and Nick stayed up until 10 playing video games.  The girls had friends over.  They were all good although I did have to curtail the treats to everyone sometimes.  We worked on Millie's homework and she is learning her spelling words quickly.  We did some of Isabelle's homework and I was amazed at her vocab words.  I have a pretty big vocabulary but I had never heard of one of her words.  Technology is wonderful sometimes and she just had to look it up on her phone.  Her math was beyond me.  She will ask her Dad when he gets home.  I gave Ale a hair cut.  I cut at least 4" off and there was a pile as big as his head on the floor.  He looks older and handsome.

Nick and his friend had track and I went to get them.  I wasn't sure how to get to his school and my GPS took me through neighborhoods and on a strange route but I got there.  The boys showed me the easy way back to the house.  I actually remembered it the next day when I took them  and picked them up.  I am directionally challenged so I am glad for any help.

Nick had a young men's service activity to clean up a yard of some lady in the ward that could not do it on her own.  I took him there and he mowed her lawn.  I tried to explain to him what a great help it was and it would be remembered for a long time.  Sometimes it's the little things that mean so much to others.

The girls spent a lot of time on the outdoor bench swing, doing homework, visiting their friends and eating.  Isabelle would stay out until 8:30.  I think maybe I need one of them. It really is a comforting thing to just swing and watch the world go by.

All the kids minded and behaved very well.  Nick was less communicative until Wed. when he started to open up.  At 15, it might be hard for him to really feel like Grandma can really understand him but I think he is a great kid.  Maybe if I would have had another day I would have him really talking.  He was so busy I didn't make him do many chores.  The girls did very well in that area and Isabelle even asked several times if she could do anything else.  Her Mom had coached her well.  Millie just went with the flow, playing, doing her chores and laughing a lot.  Oh to be so carefree as an 8 year old.

On the last day, I made rice and broccoli, cleaned the house and helped with the kid's homework and then left for home when Colett and Matt were 1/2 an hour from home.  I forgot and brought her garage door opener with me.....oops!   I'm anxious to hear about their trip and the Cirque du Soleil .

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