Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

1.  Wayne came home from Minnesota.  He said his plane ride was a little rocky.  He brought Emerson home a little football and hard hat from the convention but like I knew, nothing for me AGAIN.  I never really expect it.  I just keep optimistic that one day he will. His motel was right next to the Mall of America even.  My Dad used to bring me little things when he would be out of town working.  I remember paper dolls once that I really loved.
2.  We have had the wind from hell the last two days.  The neighbor's dumpster blew into our yard as did a lot of styrofoam and paper.  The trees were blowing against the house and even with the screen door, I could feel the cool air in the house.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow since it's supposed to be nicer.  I have loved this winter but I have a really hard time with wind.
3.  I washed my hair today and I know I need to get it cut.  I just need to find a time to get it done.  It is getting so long.  It has never been this long, ever, that I can remember.  I keep getting it caught in my purse strap and leaning against it in the car and pulling it.  My hair dresser only works a couple of days a week so if I can't get in, I may have to find a new one.
4.  Emerson and I made banana bread muffins and Amy made coffee cake ones.  We will have breakfast for several days now.  They both turned out so well.  Another high five for a kitchen tool...the big old mixer (no not me, the Kitchen aide) and a little boy who does all the dumping in.
5.  I marvel every day what a good little guy Emerson is.  It's not normal to have such a mild, sweet 4 year old boy around, especially one who likes to clean.   He rarely cries or fusses unless he is really hungry or really tired.  They have been here going on 3 weeks and he has only cried a couple of times.

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