Monday, February 6th, 2012

1.  I had to make a list of things to do today.  I had so many little things to do that my brain was on overload and I couldn't seem to get anything done.  After I wrote them all down, and then scratched them off I did OK.
2.  Kee called and Alex is still not completely over his pneumonia.  He had to get a $200 inhaler.  Does it ever end for him?  Shon was on a TV spot for a boy scout story, and Joey was off for the weekend with my cousin.
3.  I tried a new chicken recipe for dinner.  It was chicken tenders dipped in egg and then in potato flakes and then in panko bread crumbs.  It turned out great.  We also had chopped green salad, cottage cheese and pears.  See I do make dinner every once in a while.
4.  We moved the queen bed to the downstairs bedroom and brought up the twin.  I did a little more painting, did laundry, cleaned toilets, cleaned the kitchen, made dinner, swept and showered and put on make-up before Wayne got home.  I put my hair in a pony tail...a rarity for me but it felt good to get the hair out of my face.  I need a hair cut.
5.   I am hurting again today and I need some Ibuprofen before I sleep.  I have had almost no medicine since my surgery but I guess sometimes it's necessary.

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