Saturday, January 21st, 2012

1.  Wayne spent several hours going over old tax forms and business papers.  I spent time grinding them up in the paper shredder.  It's surprising how many forms have all your info on them including your social security numbers.  I wanted to recycle most of them so I tore out the personal info before I recycled them. 
2.  Amy and Emerson came for the day.  I just made mac and cheese and hot dogs for dinner.  No stress, no work and E loved it.
3.  Read a lot and didn't do much else.  Feeling a little woozy and light headed.
4.  I played cops and criminals with Emerson.  I was the cop and I gave him speeding and reckless driving tickets but he had no respect for the law and threw them back at me.  I thought I was scarier than that.

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