Saturday, December 31st 2011

1.  A lazy New Year's Eve.  Wayne took down more Christmas hoo...and I took a few decorations hoo.
2.  We had a late lunch date because Wayne is watching every ball game known to the TV.  We ate fajitas for lunch....very average.....and since we were still full in the evening I just had dark chocolate for dinner.
3.  The year is ending and with it my wishes that 2012 is a healthier one for us.  We went to the grocery store and got food for dinner tomorrow (shrimp and steak) and got cran-apple sparkling cider for midnight.
4.  Wayne is getting a cold so I didn't know if he could make it to midnight but he did.  We toasted with our fancy goblets, kissed and watched a few neighborhood fireworks.
Then he immediately fell asleep.  I watched a little bit of TV and then joined him at 12:30.
5.  We don't have church until 1:00 tomorrow so we can sleep in. 

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