Monday, November 21st, 2011

1.  Kee called and Shon will be joining his family for Thanksgiving and will have a few days at home.  I know it is hard for them to be apart so much.
2.  2 radio stations are playing non-stop Christmas music
3.  Went to Rib City Grill with the Utley's. We haven't been there for a long time and it was very good.
4.  An old friend from Montana, Kathy Clark,  came by and we had a good 2 hour visit.  It was great to catch up on our families, lives, etc.
5.  Cleaned my craft room again.  It gets so messy with all my projects.  I can't get creative when things are in chaos.  I do love my craft room.  Not everyone is as lucky as I am to have my own space.

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