Monday, November 1st, 2011

1.  After not feeling well on Sunday and after a rest, I feel OK today and got a bee in my bonnet.  I cleaned, mopped, cleaned toilets, made 10 greeting cards, and made dinner for the neighbors and another for us. 
2.  The Heap's young son has brain cancer and started radiation and will need chemo to go along with it.  I have so much empathy for their family.  The aunt said he may get to come home this week for a change.  My prayers are with them every night.  He can't walk on his own and sometimes gets confused but for the most part he is doing better.
3.  I love my craft room.  I spend most of my day there.  My computer is i n there as are my craft supplies, sewing machine and my TV.  If I had to, I could live in a 700 square foot house. 
4.  I got paper bags, put the family names on them and then put the stocking stuffers that I have so far in them.  I started my list for everyone but it's not too late for them to give me hints.
5.  I have gotten so many good recipes and ideas from Pinterest.

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