Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

1.  Alex, my first grand child was born 17 years ago.  When I first met him when he was about 3 months old,
I fell in love with him instantly.  He had the chubbiest legs, the most beautiful mouth and the biggest  blue eyes I had ever seen.  He loved his Grandma back too, which has made for a great relationship all these years.
2.  Wayne few to Minnesota for a business trip and although I didn't get to be with him this time, he was able to get some good things done for the company and reestablish some old business relationships.
3.  Amy and Emerson came to stay for a couple of days.  Emerson got a new little razor scooter so we went for a walk to let him try it out.  He fell and scraped up his knee and was sad about it for a long time.  Then he said his new scooter didn't work.
4.  Fozzie put his head into Amy's purse and ate 1/2 of a Costco chocolate muffin that she forgot was in there.  I called the Vet and he said I better bring him in and get his stomach pumped.  It would cost $75 for the visit, another $50 to pump his stomach and maybe a stay in the hospital all night which would cost who knows how much.  I prayed to Heavenly Father to bless him and then kept him home and took him out several times in the night to poop and throw up if he needed to, and he was OK the next day.  Disaster averted and checkbook not emptied.
5.  Downloaded a new book to my Kindle.  It took 30 seconds and was $10.00.

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