Thursday, May 26th, 2011

1.  I feel sorry for Emerson because he had 3 shots in his leg and was limping around.  He really did not feel well and even had a fever, but when there was something he really wanted to do, all of a sudden he could walk normally.  He said again today that I was his best friend as he pointed to himself and then to me.  He does it to tease his Mom who keeps reminding him that she is the one that does everything for him. So far though, I'm still the leader.
2.  I got a Martha Stewart scoring board today at Hobby Lobby with my 40% off coupon.  I had seen the same thing at Roberts for $25.   I love Robert's scrapbook section but $6 more for the same thing is a LOT, plus it would have cost me more in gas to go there.  I ended up paying $12 something for it.  That is a lot of savings.  Now I can score my papers to make pleats and folds.
3.  We went to Dear Lizzie's to look around.  I am glad to see a local gal do well. There were more women in the store than I had ever seen.  I didn't buy anything, but my head is full of crafty ideas now.
It gives me inspiration when I go there.  It's just hard to pay $22 for a little bottle of shaved soap and when I know I can do the exact thing for $3.  I am sounding cheap today aren't I?  No.....thrifty an crafty.
4.  Wayne called and had a good day.  Minneapolis has the same weather we do.
5.  Amy cooked dinner.  It was a chicken breast stuffed with broccoli, cream cheese, spices and a tiny bit of bacon and rolled in panko bread crumbs and baked.  With a salad and green beans, it was a meal fit for a queen, (which we all know I am since Wayne dubbed me that several years ago). I saw a crown at Dear Lizzie's that I could make myself.  Hmmmm

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