Saturday, June 18th, 2011

1.  Wayne built me a potting bench many years ago.  It is one of my most favorite of all gifts.  It was looking a little tired so I stained the wood and cleaned up the metal and it looks almost new.  It will be good for another 20 years.
2.  I trimmed up the euonomous bush that I thought had died from the winter but it has new shoots coming up from the bottom.  We will see what it looks like in a couple of months.
3.  The girls are coming tomorrow for Wayne's Father's Day dinner.  I love seeing them each week and miss them when we go longer than that.
4 .My down pillows.  I sleep with two.
5.  Talking to friends on facebook and seeing a picture of my Uncle Leo that I had never seen.  He was a cutie as a teen.  He passed away a few months ago, and we all miss him.

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